Increasing FlexBuilder heap size on Mac OS

Increasing FlexBuilder heap size on Mac OS

  • Go to Applications -> Adobe Flex Builder 2
  • Right click on "Flex Builder" app
  • Click "Show Package Contents"
  • Browse to 'Contents->MacOS'
  • Open 'FlexBuilder.ini'
  • Increase values of 'Xmx' and 'Xms'

You can also watch a screencast on a similar issue at http://www.brooksandrus.com/blog_assets/screencasts/eclipsejvmheap/


Passing parameters to SWF

  • Open index.template.html (embed html)
  • Browse to function "AC_FL_RunContent" under "else if (hasRequestedVersion) "
  • Update 'flashvars' to pass appropriate parameters
1. Passing static parameters
"src", "${swf}",
"width", "${width}",
"height", "${height}",
"align", "middle",
"id", "${application}",
"quality", "high",
"bgcolor", "${bgcolor}",
"name", "${application}",
"flashvars",'param1=value1&historyUrl=history.htm%3F&lconid=' + lc_id + '',
"type", "application/x-shockwave-flash",
"pluginspage", "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer",
"wmode", "opaque"

Inside your flex application you can access the above as:


This will give you the result : 'value1'

2. Passing dynamic parameters or parameters typed in the url
e.g. http://localhost:8080/flextest/DirectLinks.html?a=b&c=d

"src", "${swf}",

"width", "${width}",

"height", "${height}",

"align", "middle",

"id", "${application}",

"quality", "high",

"bgcolor", "${bgcolor}",

"name", "${application}",

urlparams='+escape(window.location.search)+'&historyUrl=history.htm%3F&lconid=' + lc_id + '',

"type", "application/x-shockwave-flash",

"pluginspage", "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer",

"wmode", "opaque"


Inside your flex application you can access the above as:


This will give you the result : '?a=b&c=d'


ButtonBar Panel

ButtonBarPanel : This is an extension of Panel in which a set of buttons can be added either on the header or footer.

  • Extension of mx.controls.Panel , so it inherits all the properties of a Panel
  • The buttons can be added either to the header or on the footer
  • separate ClickHandler can be specified for each button.
Look at the ButtonBarPanelTest.mxml in the source for usage.

View Demo
Download Source

Extending FlexBuilder Trail License

Not sure why Adobe has made licensing check in FlexBuilder so simple.
Currently FlexBuilder stores the timestamp in a temporary file.
So if someone just deletes that file, the flexbuilder trail license is reset.
I don't think I should be revealing the name of the file, its for you to find out ;-)